Dedicated To You

Whew! I have been on a roller coaster ride since the first part of this month. I prayed for the right timing turning in the book I have been working on for so long(10+ yrs). You both have been gone so long, most times it is really hard to imagine where you would be today.
Anyhow, this book I dedicate to you both, my precious two! It should be out in the Spring 2018. Hopefully, it will help others out there who are in this"special" club that was chosen for us. We who suffer through our pain and still live our everyday life with you in the background all the while.
I cannot express to you all the feelings I have in this upcoming book. Will keep ya updated you two!
Momma loves you! I know you are there helping me through....God help me keep on the right track with this book! May it bring hope to others hearts!
Title: A Heart In Pieces~A Return From Devastation by M.E. Masterson
ebook, hardcover, paperback
Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Amazon, Christian Faith Publishing, Kobi, Apple Itunes, McNally Robinson, Russel Books, Ingram, and Indigo
